美丽、温柔、善良……这样的字眼来形容现在的女孩,有谁会相信?别以为我在痴人说梦,我的女友就是这样的一个女孩。 我们认识有一年了,正式确定恋爱关系也有小半年了。如果说谁是给我们牵线搭桥的红娘的话,算起来还是我的小侄女。姐姐的女儿上幼儿园后,姐姐、姐夫忙不过来,侄女的接送任务就落在我这个当舅舅的身上,一来二去,侄女的老师就成了我现在的女友。 女友文静端庄,性格比较内向,看起来楚楚动人。 girl in the kindergarten is very popular among children, and she treats every child with such care and attention. No wonder my niece is anxious, calling me to hurry up and marry her girl. I asked my niece what marriage was. My niece said, "Marriage means that your uncle (that is, me) kisses the teacher (that refers to my girlfriend)." Look at it, even the child knows something that we don't know.
One day on a bus, two young men were sitting in front of us, talking loudly despite many people around them. One asked how our relationship was going after two weeks since we started dating? Another replied that she was quite good at hiding things; they had tried several times but failed. I glanced at my girlfriend out of the corner of my eye; these two young men were too impolite! Who would have thought that my girlfriend would ask me what "hitting" meant? This made me quickly scan the passengers around us; I was afraid they heard what my girlfriend said.
I must say it's not hard to believe when you've been with someone for a while like I have with this girl from kindergarten where she works as a teacher now. It's all so simple yet complicated at the same time... The more you understand about her innocence and naivety makes you feel more helpless than ever before...