

美丽、温柔、善良这样的字眼来形容现在的女孩,有谁会相信?别以为我在痴人说梦,我的女友就是这样的一个女孩。 我们认识有一年了,正式确定恋爱关系也有小半年了。如果说谁是给我们牵线搭桥的红娘的话,算起来还是我的小侄女。姐姐的女儿上幼儿园后,姐姐、姐夫忙不过来,侄女的接送任务就落在我这个当舅舅的身上,一来二去,侄女的老师就成了我现在的女友。

girl too simple, I am very puzzled. We always see many emotional quotes, these emotional quotes are constantly influencing us, what are the most comprehensive emotional quotes? Here is what I have helped everyone organize for "girl too simple, I am very puzzled," hoping to help you.

Beautiful, gentle, kind... such words to describe the girls now, who will believe it? Don't think I'm dreaming of a fool; my girlfriend is like that. We've known each other for a year and have been in a relationship for half a year if we say who brought us together as matchmakers. It's actually my niece. After her mother went to kindergarten, her parents were busy and my niece's teacher became my current girlfriend.

My girlfriend is quiet and elegant with an introverted personality; she looks pitifully charming. My girlfriend is well-liked by the children at kindergarten; she treats every child with such care and attention; no wonder my niece was eager for me to marry her quickly. When she asked me about marriage, she said it was when Uncle (that's me) kissed Teacher (that's her). Look at that - even children know about it!

That day on the bus while sitting in front of two guys from our company - there were many people on the bus but those two guys talked without avoiding anyone. One asked: How's your relationship going? Two weeks already? Did you hit or eat anything? The other replied: She can act well; they tried several times but didn't succeed.

I glanced at my girlfriend out of the corner of my eye - those two guys were being impolite! Who knew that after all this time spending time with someone else would lead to misunderstandings?

It happened once before where one guy flirted with another guy's wife right under their noses! This guy thought he could get away with it because he was good-looking!

And then there was this incident where some lady came into our classroom uninvited during class hours while wearing makeup and perfume trying to impress him!

Now let me tell you something about love...

In reality,




