
  • 经典语录
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 在中国古代,有一个关于卖油担的小伙子考取进士的励志故事。这个小伙子的名字叫做刘过,他出生在一个普通的家庭,自幼父母双亡,他就要承担起了养家之重。 刘过勤劳善良,但命运似乎总是对他不利。在他的成长过程中,尽管他努力学习,但由于贫穷无法获得好的教育机会。他决定自己去寻找一份工作,以此来换取读书的费用。最终,他选择了卖油担作为自己的第一份工作。 sells oil on a shoulder pole




sells oil on a shoulder pole, day in and day out. He would carry his heavy load through the streets, selling oil to people who needed it for their lamps or cooking. Despite his hard work, he never gave up on his dream of becoming a scholar.

One day, while Liu was resting under a tree during his break from work, he heard about an upcoming imperial examination that could change the course of his life forever. This was the only way for him to climb up the social ladder and escape poverty.

Determined to take part in this exam but lacking resources and knowledge necessary for success, Liu decided to walk over 100 miles every night after finishing work at dusk so that he could attend classes held by local scholars under moonlight.

Liu's diligence did not go unnoticed; one scholar even took pity on him and began teaching him privately before dawn each morning. With newfound hope and determination burning within him, Liu continued working as an oil vendor by day but studied tirelessly at night.

After years of relentless effort with no rest days off during those long months leading up to the examinations year after year until finally passing it with high marks! His story is truly inspiring: from being just another ordinary young man carrying loads down dusty roads into becoming an accomplished official serving our great empire!

What do you think? Did you know about this small fellow’s incredible journey?
