
  • 经典语录
  • 2025年02月22日
  • 1、在遇见你那一刻,我仿佛获得了所有星光的祝福。 2、每个人都应该有一段时间,把自己忘掉,只为一个人,即使不求结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,也不求他知道,只愿在最美好的年华里,遇见他。 3、我们各自坚守自己的世界,自由地生活,但彼此深爱着对方,即便是孤独也无所谓,因为等待着的是世间所有的相遇和久别重逢。 4、当你有新的旅程,而我却停留在过去,那些记忆就像时间的河流,一去不复返。 5












11., I wish to see you, but I am aware that it is only meaningful when you also wish to see me.

12., There are many things I want to say to you, but these words have stuck in my throat like honey. If you come closer, you will understand how sweet they are.

13., You are the most intoxicating drink I have ever tasted, a warmth that flows from my throat but stops at my lips.

14., You were the young man with a sharp brow and eyes as green as spring in the early morning light. In a daze, I passed through your four seasons.

15., As if life were a movie that ends abruptly, let me wake up again in my sweet dreams.

16.. No matter whether it's cold or warm, no matter whether it's good or bad - all of life's moments are quietly stored away; and no matter how long or short our time together may be - every moment spent with you is cherished.

17.. My pillowcase is filled with moldy dreams and people who cannot be mine; yet in those dreams lives an unattainable love.

18.. You're like a traveler wandering through mountains of affection; free-spirited and always on the move. And I'm just someone who tends cats at market stalls - not even looking at strangers nor changing loves for anyone.

19.. The slight curve of your smile surpasses all scenic wonders gathered under one roof.

20.. People change over time, but there are two things about them that never change: their name and the memories shared between them.

21.. This world has too many beautiful things - half for our senses (food, scenery & music), while the other half belongs to you. It has been so many years since we met once again...
