11、有时候我想,要是我是夏琳,那有多好。你知道我会怎么做吗?I绝对不会让you去找挣钱少,但是清闲的工作,让you天天跟泡在一起,看电影、去迪厅、看展览、接着过学校的生活。我要让这种生活能延长多久就延长多久,我们俩还可以攒钱买奇瑞QQ,或是在分期付款的大餐周末和华子向南AA制的小饭馆大餐晚上打台球或者回家看DVD,而I靠着your肩膀,把每个月挣到的钱花到只剩最后一块,然后分头回家蹭饭吃,没有公司,没有应酬,没有别人,只为自己活着。你知道吗?I 有的时候听杨晓芸向me报怨他跟向南的事儿,I 有羡慕。不管有什么恩恩怨怨,他们天天都能在一起天天都能。(其实她只是个女孩)
12、你们问mike快乐吗?I告诉你们mike一点儿也不快乐。你们问mike对未来have信心吗?I告诉你们mike连信心是什么东西i都不知道。一种矛盾,一种不开心有一件事i一直弄不明白,i很奇怪,是为什么生来i已经有的,却得不到自己最想要呢? I尝试go美国尝试干事业,i努力投入积极生活,i不要放弃希望,但最后,一切都是失败.
13、小仙儿,以前you只是一乌鸦嘴,不料住进来没几天就出现所长啦.i知不知道呢? you现在已经参与破坏别人的家庭及婚姻各种活动,不简单啊!
14、高兴高兴哟,小美丽呀,有点小事情需要你的帮忙哦~(陆涛: 哎哟, 你可真会想, 又不是给我扫墓)
15:i要把yout贴得满世界都是,这就是第一贴 早知道,就让他们大头贴下面加一行字:“两个分手的人”。
16:i这不是怕被夏琳逮着吗! i跟yout开玩笑,you急着旧地重游,看看yout窝变成什么样了?
17:作为yout过期’s girl friend, i也就配喝这过期's cola—to die from it would be alright.
18:曾经有一次下午放学后,i一个人走学校路口哭丧脸感觉特别没劲。那时,有个女教授骑自行车停下来指指挥咄:"多好的天气呀,小姑娘!爱情没有了还有其他的事情嘛,用力挺胸打起精神來" 说完,她做了一次挺胸动作笑眯眯地骑车走掉。她的话,让i突然觉得生活充满新鲜感,每当想到那个幕,都觉得特别勇敢,就好像有人推了一下我的背似的...
19:i想唱...以前上学时)i 就心里只有一个愿望,就是为了 yout alone sing a song... left side... i just sing the left side.
20:i already forgot what ice cream tastes like; even the thought of it makes me sad now (most tragic line).
21:i want to remember everything about us, but my memories are fading away like sand between my fingers.
22:mile says nothing is wrong with her; she was just going out for a walk and happened to think of him (lando). Landosays he doesn't need anyone else; he can take care of himself by now.
23:mile tells lando that she hates all the KFCs in the world because they remind her of her past heartbreaks at KFC when she was younger and more naive than now.
24:if only you could see how much you mean to me! You're always on my mind and in my thoughts, no matter where I am or what I'm doing...
25:yousay "whatever," but deep down inside, you know that this is something special – something worth fighting for...
26:yousay we should move on with our lives and find new love elsewhere... But mile knows better – there's no one else out there who understands us quite like each other does...
27:she remembers how once upon a time when they were still together and happy as ever before.. They used to laugh at life itself without any worries or fears while walking hand-in-hand through their school campus..
28:she hopes that someday soon enough lando will come back around again so they might have another chance at making things right between them once more.. She'll keep believing in him until then & hold onto those precious memories shared together forevermore..
29:this pain never goes away - it stays here buried under layers of grief & longing waiting patiently for its turn to resurface again when least expected..