
  • 励志成功
  • 2025年03月10日
  • 春天的经典语录:我一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。 春天的经典语录:许多往事在眼前一幕一幕,变成那麼模糊,曾經那么堅信的,那麼執着的,一直相信著的,其實什麼都沒有,什麼都不是……突然發現自己很傻,我發誓,我笑了,笑得眼淚都掉了。笑我們這麼傻,我們總是在重覆著一些傷害,没有一個可以躲藏不被痛找到





春天的經典語錄:似乎習慣了等待,用單純的一種方式假設會來。但卻在等待中錯過了,那些可以幸福幸福。在失去時後悔為何沒有抓住。其實等待本身就是一種可笑錯誤。明知會在.waiting for 一份不知是否能到的幸福……



春天の經典語錄: 你會不会忽然出現在街角咖啡店,我會帶著微笑和你寒暄,不說從前,只寒暄,对你說句,只說句好久未見…

spring's classic words: I am used to waiting, so in the cycle of rebirth, I cannot help but stand at the point of waiting. I do not know how long it will take to see an answer; I do not know how long I can persist in waiting for a result? Longing is sometimes powerless, that is because it cannot see the result of longing. Maybe it only serves as proof that someone once existed in my heart.

spring's classic words: It seems accustomed to waiting, with a simple assumption that it will come. But in waiting, one misses those moments of happiness. In loss, there is regret for not having grasped something. In reality, waiting itself is an amusing error. Knowing that one waits for a happiness that may or may not come...

spring's classic words: Walking and walking until dispersed; looking and looking until tired; even the stars grow dimmer...I wonder what kind of mood you would be in when listening to that song? Did we meet? Or did we miss each other?

spring's classic words: My world is too quiet; one can hear their own heartbeat. The blood from the heart flows back slowly to the heart chamber like this cyclical rotation. Clever people enjoy guessing others' hearts; perhaps they guess correctly about someone else but lose themselves simultaneously... You think my life is impervious to knives and guns; you think your life resists all poisons.

spring's classic words: Perhaps you'll suddenly appear at a corner coffee shop...I'll bring a smile and chat with you without talking about the past...Just chat with me about nothing important...
