
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 你是否厌倦了日复一日,年复一年不兑现自己的承诺?昨天你说明天,而今天你已经很忙了,或许又推到这个周末?我们都有过这样的经历:我们向自己承诺一件事,然后又发生了什么事,我们把它忘得一干二净,直到为时已晚。你想学习吉他,练习英语,也许还想涉足数字艺术,同时又有两份工作要做,还有一大堆YouTube视频要看?把这句话写下来让我很焦虑,但没关系,这有7个人,他们会把你每一个绊脚的借口都羞辱一番。







模特兼仿生艺术家Viktoria a



在一次攀岩探险中,休因为冻伤失去了双 legs, but this didn't stop him! Neither did it deter him from designing his own "better" prosthetics and then going back to climbing!

聋人模特Nyle DiMarco

Nyle's story may not be as dramatic or unfortunate as the first four individuals', but deafness is a severe disability in its own right. Additionally, he has some fantastic genes that have helped him gain opportunities as a model and performer.

作曲家和吉他手托尼·梅伦德斯(Tony Melendez)

No arms? No problem! Tony Melendez was born without arms, but he can play the guitar with ease using his feet! How crazy is that? At one point, he even left a profound impression on Pope John Paul II (Pope John Paul II), who told him: "My wish for you is that you continue to give hope to others and keep doing what you're doing."

纹身艺术家JC Sheitan Tenet(来自法国里昂)

I've seen terrible tattoo artists and I've seen awe-inspiring ones, but JC basically falls into another category altogether.

Because of personal reasons lacking one arm,

And so it was,

He became a tattoo artist with an artificial arm,

JC Sheitan Tenet from Lyon, France,

Lost his right arm 22 years ago,

But this didn't shake his determination to pursue tattoo artistry;

In days without a right hand,

He still continued working as a tattoo artist using only his remaining left hand.

These 7 individuals will shame all your excuses for not pursuing your dreams!
