
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年02月11日
  • 1.你要生活得随意些,你就只能活得平凡些;你要活得辉煌些,你就只能活得痛苦和复杂些;你要活得长久些,你就只能活得简单些。 2.生命的辉煌,拒绝的不是平凡,而是平庸!所以,春风得意时多思虑,只要别背叛美丽初衷;窘迫失意时多憧憬,只要别虚构不醒的苦梦! 3.必须记住,我们学习的时间是有限的。时间有限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人的纷繁。我们应该力求把我们所有的时间用去做最有益的事。 4









8.God's short message of inspiration: When you are defeated time and again, look at it once, success often lies in perseverance; when you feel hopeless, buy in large quantities and wait for the right moment; when you are completely desperate, congratulations! The miraculous is coming.

9.People's two eyes are all parallel but they do not look at people equally; people's two ears are divided on both sides yet they always prefer to listen to one-sided words; people only have one mouth yet they can say two-faced words.

10.The things we cannot get will make us believe they are beautiful because we understand them too little and don't have enough time to spend with them together. Once upon a time when we deeply understand them later, we will find that they were not as beautiful as what we imagined.

11.Even if the greatest misfortune occurs in this world, the condition for solving all difficulties is living on. Only by living on has there been hope. No matter how painful or sad it may be, as long as one can strive to live on through it all everything will get better eventually.

12.Failure is nothing more than taking an extra step towards success while success means having walked every path leading to failure leaving only one road behind which leads directly to success itself.

13.When a heart learns how to walk in love then actually sows the seeds of faith within its own heart so such a heart grows fruit beyond life’s boundaries which must certainly be beautiful

14.The influence our lives experience does not just come from our environment but rather from our mindset - personal actions and thoughts simultaneously determine a person’s perspective their career achievements even their entire life span

15.Have some good friends around especially during solitary times ensure someone will still provide tea service for you instead of shouting out loud crying over why that person who claims love isn’t there beside you

16.Life takes away more than it gives away let go more than take Let go during youth keep something back during middle age give up before needed during old age

17.Failure? It doesn’t exist Success? That’s walking through every path that leads into failure until there remains only one road left – the road of Success itself

18.Learn tolerance about those whose opinions differ from yours this makes your days easier If instead trying hard change him he’ll cause much pain Learn how tolerate him Learn how contain him

19.All successes pale compared with taming oneself All failures insignificant next to losing oneself
