9.two people together is for happiness, parting is for alleviating pain, you cannot make me happy again, so I must leave, when I leave it's also very painful, but you will definitely be more painful than me because I say goodbye first.
10.dogs won't get thin because they won't miss someone.
11.everything has a price to pay; the price of happiness is pain.
12.beginning and end are predetermined
13.happiness and sorrow are not as we think they are when we first experience them; later on, looking back on them seems so insignificant.
14.some people are destined to wait for others; some people are destined to be waited for by others
15.intersection and separation come naturally; thick or thin relationships aren't something we can control
16.meeting once in a lifetime is better than never meeting at all
17.we should forget those who don't deserve to be remembered by us - time will help us forget if that's what needs to happen
18.i thought love could conquer all - who knew it had no power at times? i thought love could fill the gaps in our lives - however it creates even more gaps through love itself
19.when love ends it ends on its own terms - there's nothing you can do about it then
20.the same person can't give you the same kind of pain twice - no matter how many times he hurts you that wound has become numb and doesn't hurt like the first time anymore
21.love turns out to be smiling down poison wine
22.it's hard to love someone deeply; giving up your own heart for them is even harder
23.when love comes knocking life becomes less pure too
24.you might fall in love with two people at once while being loved by both of them but unfortunately you can only stick with one till death do ye part
25.there was always a bit of fear when falling in love with someone: fear of losing him or getting lost myself
26.you're not loved before so cherish whoever loves you later
27.they yearn for each other when apart but torture each other when together again
28.all i want is someone who'll bear my tears during my low moments and let me bite their shoulder during happier times
29.if i didn’t care about you i wouldn’t miss you nor envy anyone around u which means i wouldn’t lose confidence & spirit either nor feel such pain if only i didn’t have feelings 4 u things would b much simpler.
30.parting way makes reunion possible.
31.love shouldn’t be rekindled — rekindling destroys memories past beautiful ones disappear into thin air if we never reunite perhaps carrying his memory deep within until physical decay sets in yet now this moment hate him — all those good days gone forever.
32.pursuing & longing brings joy & despair — after despair comes appreciation learn from disappointment cherishing future lovers because unloved before appreciate future lover.
33.if emotions & years were fragile enough thrown into sea then submerged under water willingly silence beneath waves hear words adore silence see actions misunderstand