1、勤学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 2、每个人的优势都是独特的,珍惜它。 3、磨砺是成就,而坚持是成功的关键。 4、年轻时不努力,只会后悔终生;老年时再追求,恐怕已无机会。 Vigorously striving for excellence, we can achieve our goals. 5、一点点积累,就能达到不可思议的地步。
7 persistency is the key to success; with steady effort, even the hardest problems can be solved.
8 never underestimate the power of consistent effort and hard work.
9 time waits for no man; make good use of every moment.
10 persistent practice makes perfect; don't give up when faced with obstacles.
11 if you are determined to succeed, nothing can stop you from reaching your goal.
12 a little bit of knowledge goes a long way; learn from others and grow from it.
13 Treat yourself as ignorant and ask questions without hesitation - this will help you learn more.
14 Make the most of your daily exams and assessments.
15 A strong determination to self-improvement will lead us towards progress in life.
16 Pay attention to improving learning efficiency on campus.
17 Practice solving problems regularly, develop good problem-solving habits.
18 Those who have determination will ultimately succeed.
More inspirational quotes: http://www.li96.com/lizhimingyan/