
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年01月03日
  • 在一个寒风凛冽的冬日,季琦坐在办公室里,面前是一张散乱的文件堆。他的脸上露出一丝不易察觉的微笑,他知道即将到来的挑战是他人生中最艰巨的一次。 "没有挑战,一点挑战性都没有。”他轻声说道,这句话像是对自己内心的一种提醒,也是对外界的一种宣言。在这个充满不确定性的世界里,没有什么比这更能激励人成功了。 季琦,是一个创业英雄。他以自己的智慧和勇气,在困难重重的情况下









Season 3: The Wealth Code of "Entrepreneur Hero" Jian Qi

In a cold and windy winter day, Jian Qi sat in his office, surrounded by scattered files. A faint smile appeared on his face as he knew that the upcoming challenges would be the most daunting in his life.

"There is no challenge; there is no challenge at all." He spoke softly to himself, as if it were an inner reminder and an outer declaration. In this world full of uncertainty, nothing could inspire people to succeed more than this.

Jian Qi was an entrepreneur hero who had successfully listed Han Ting Hotel Group on NASDAQ with his wisdom and courage. This was not a coincidence but the result of years of persistence and hard work.

Looking back at 2008 when the financial crisis like a dark cloud covered the globe while Han Ting was at a critical moment for its second round of financing, Jian Qi made a decision: refuse any debt financing. Though others thought it foolish, he believed only thus could he control his own fate and not be swayed by external pressure.

During those days he almost lived without sleep every night; whenever memories floated up from those unforgettable moments, it felt as if he were reliving them again. But now looking back they were just part of growth process making him stronger and more resilient.

Today standing on top in industry's hierarchy Jian Qi is truly big businessman knowing how to use resources manage teams & keep leading edge even in fiercely competitive market His wealth code lies in continuous learning growing never giving up pursuit perfection mentality

"One gets excited when there's wind or rain," said Jian Qi perhaps some will think adventurous spirit but for him it's just loving life itself embracing In his world nothing can stop dreams realizing except bravery determination helping us cross all barriers
