
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年01月29日
  • 牛根生,从事乳业27年。2004年底,牛根生捐出全部个人股份设立“老牛专项基金”,成为“中国捐股第一人”、“全球华人捐股第一人”。他在1999年创办蒙牛乳业,在逆境中开拓进取,使现在的蒙牛拥有全球样板工厂、国际示范牧场和液态奶销量全国第一的成就。目前,蒙牛已在全国14个省级行政区建起20多座生产基地,其产品覆盖全国除省外的所有地区,并开发了三大系列100多个品种。



“蒙牛速度”在中国企业界引人注目。CCTV2003“中国经济年度人物”对他的颁奖辞写道:“他是一头牛,却跑出了火箭的速度!” 蒙牛创造了多项全国纪录,如荣获中国成长企业“百强之冠”,位列“中国乳品行业竞争力第一名”,拥有中国规模最大的国际示范牧场,并首次引入挤奶机器人,是中国乳界收奶量最大的农业产业化“第一龙头”。

其领导下的蒙牛与亿万消费者、千万股民、百万奶农及数十万产销大军结成命运共同体,被人们称为西部大开发以来“中国最大的造饭碗企业”。由此诞生了一段流传甚广的民谣:“一家一户一头 cows, 老婆孩子热炕头;一家一户两 head of cows, 生活吃穿不用愁;一家一户三 head of cows, 三五年盖洋楼;一家一户群 head of cows,比Monty's old cow还要有。”

1978年,他成为呼和浩特大黑河 牛奶厂的一名养 cow 工作人员。在1983年的岁月里,他担任内蒙古伊利集团(原呼和浩特回民 乳制品厂)的厂长。在1992年的春天,他担任内蒙古伊利集团生产经营副总裁。在1998年的秋天,他被免去生产经营副总裁职务,而是在1999年的春天至今担任内 Mongolian Mongol Dairy Products Group Co., Ltd. 的董事长兼总经理。

作为一个成功的人物,过往已经获得包括 “2002 China Top Ten Entrepreneurial Figures (One)”、“2002 Economic Most Valuable Cover Figure,” “Chinese Private Industrial Industry Leader,” and "China Enterprise New Leader" in the year 2003 among numerous other accolades.

The Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd. was founded by a natural person through initiative capitalization on August 26th, 1999. Currently, the company is a sino-foreign joint venture enterprise with shares held by both Chinese and foreign investors.

From its inception to today, within just a few years Monty has climbed from ranking #1116 in the nationwide dairy product industry to become one of the top two enterprises in terms of business income.

In an interview conducted by First Financial Daily on December 18th afternoon at Monty's headquarters, he candidly shared his thoughts regarding establishing the Old Cow Special Fund: "It was not an easy decision to make," he said. "I had been considering this since late 2002. During that time I read quite a bit - mostly Lao Tzu's 'Tao Te Ching'. By early 2004 I began implementing this plan."

When asked about his family's opinion on this matter he replied: "My wife and children have signed onto an agreement but when I first brought up this idea to them during late 2003 they were conflicted." He also mentioned that while his family members agreed with him they had differing levels of understanding about it.

Regarding whether or not others should follow suit as entrepreneurs and colleagues look upon his actions differently saying there isn't much thought given to it but indeed some colleagues are puzzled over why someone would do such a thing; however Monty believes setting up such foundations is crucial for long-term healthy development within companies like his own:

"It is difficult for me to say if others will follow suit," he said humbly. However when pressed further about how establishing foundations could contribute towards creating lasting success for businesses like Monty’s - especially those aspiring towards becoming century-old enterprises - he did express optimism citing personal experience stating that doing so allows individuals like himself more freedom than ever before giving them room for growth even after retirement as well as securing their legacy through philanthropy while also attracting top talent into leadership roles which might otherwise be unattainable due to limited financial resources available elsewhere; ultimately believing that no single individual can achieve true greatness alone without support from capable team members working together harmoniously under shared vision & goals set forth collectively rather than individually – thus truly embodying what being part of something greater than oneself entails hence ensuring longevity & prosperity alike!
