
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年03月06日
  • 1.我曾说世界冷清,你却为我绽放花朵。我嫌夜晚无光,你带我摘星辰。 2.自从遇见你,我的心就迷失了方向,喜欢掌控自己,却在爱中沉沦。 3.天上亿万颗星,我只看到了你。是幸运还是不可思议? 4.别追问男人的过去,只要他是个好男人,在以前的感情里,也真心相爱,全心投入的,就让这些对你没有必要和益处吧。 5.爱是一盏永不熄灭的灯塔,照亮我们前行的道路。 6.在人海茫茫中,被爱与给予爱都是幸福











10.I love you so much, I don't have any envy for anyone else.

11."如果只有爱,没有了自己,是不是太沉重?" 如果只有愛,没有了自己的話,那不是重或輕,而是空白。你終究會失去那段沒有自己的愛情。因為沒有人能一直苦苦收起真正的自己來迁就對方。沒有了自己的話,你還怎麼去愛人與被愛呢?這世界上根本不存在值得讓一個人為之失去自我的愛情。

12.everyone says that girls should not be too strong or independent, but without these qualities, who will help me in my most helpless moments?

13.Love is like a butterfly; it likes to fly wherever it pleases and brings joy with it.

14.pride often drags people through the twists and turns of love.

15.the most precious things in this world are rare, so there's only one you for me.

16.give me the gift of your love alone; that's all I need.

17.Love is a scarf woven by nature and embroidered with fantasies.

18.since I've started to like you, I'm trying to accept all your habits.

19.each day without you is like an empty page in a book.

20.whenever you're far away from me on our long journey together, remember that I'll always think of you.

21.two hearts that love each other don't need words.

22.from now on, let this warmth stay by your side as well.

23.lavish us with the vines of our own garden called Love

24.there are too many beautiful landscapes around me yet i stop here saying i can be foolish because of you

25.Love never diminishes; if anything, it grows stronger over time.

26.permit my small pride because i have someone like you to rely on

27.i want to hear sweet nothings while hugging under snowflakes

28.reliving happy memories as we sing our favorite songs together.

29.Love is the best pick-me-up for life itself!

30.no one owes anyone an apology; there's only those who fail to appreciate each other's worthiness of being loved.

31.one kiss ; one embrace ; one phone call ; one shoulder ; one declaration of affection ; once going out together ; once taking public transportation home together = One You - Always And Forever
