
  • 励志名言
  • 2025年03月07日
  • 1.世间所有不如意之事,终将化作成长的磨砺。接受人生,也接受一切散去的人与事。2.即便曾被深刻伤害,无数次重生,你会遇见一个让你原谅往昔的人。3.一旦决心行事,就不必再询问自己与他人的价值。在甘愿付出时,理所当然;在义无反顾前,坚定一步。4.愿我们历经十载奋斗、百战沙场,不忘初心,以铜臭满身之姿成为富有者,早晨安好!5.若非交际高手,那独自一人的饭食、散步、电影观影,更能发现孤单胜群体的美好





9.will you wake up one day without pain, worry-free in mind, and free from fear? Morning to you!10.every ordinary day is worth respecting, every person by your side should be cherished.

May you have starry eyes, a gentle breeze around you, and warmth in your heart.

11.don't pretend to have no desires when young; there's nothing more disappointing than reaching 30 with little life experience.

Strive for wealth and happiness; when unhappy, use money to vent.

Morning to you!

12.having a pure heart that smiles happily and cries freely,

without pretentiousness or calculating intentions,

such a life is just right.

13.there will come a day when you'll let go of the present's attachment and reluctance,

with some lingering regret,

you'll start anew without that person.

14.do not break my weak side just because you don't understand it;

do not remove my armor if you cannot be my shield.

15.like rainbow-colored souls who only appear before those who know them well,

interesting people will eventually find each other;

before then, strive to become an even better version of yourself.

16.you can't force someone to love you;

all we can do is make ourselves worthy of love;

the rest depends on fate.

May we all have the power to love ourselves

and spare some energy for others as well.

17.a thousand beautiful futures are worth less than this warm present moment;

every true present has been our once-imagined future.

Love the now and dream of tomorrow.

18.love is gentle but may sometimes disappoint us;

19.in this world where no one owes us affection,

let's think this way: coldness and cruelty are natural expectations while kindness deserves gratitude more so than anything else—cherish it!

20.from today on, let's be simple yet happy people—

not lost in fantasies nor worried about what might happen later nor consumed by past regrets nor fearing the future—just live simply yet happily,

so mote it be

21.time will settle down genuine emotions like sediment;

wind and rain test true companionship like steel tempering metal;

though distant figures fade away like clouds passing by,

those left behind are precious relationships worth cherishing

22.on the long road ahead lie many trials waiting for strength & much beauty awaiting enjoyment

only wish thou art no longer fragile enough shattered by slight blows

but strong enough unbreakable

23.may thy maturity deepen ever further with every challenge overcome —a phoenix rising from ashes—the stronger thou growest!

24.noone missed shall depart as strangers walk off stage ;no destiny seems unfair ,it’s laziness which makes thee powerless .

25.the things we fret over prove we're still immature .
