
  • 经典语录
  • 2025年02月28日
  • 成功人生励志格言:续 1.勇敢地面对每一天,哪怕它没有明天。 2.梦想是你心灵的翅膀,它让你飞得更高。 3.珍惜现在,未来自有其来时。 4.幸福不是被拥有,而是被感激和分享。 5.爱是一种力量,它可以重塑世界的轮廓。 6.不要为过去埋怨,因为那已经成为回忆;也不要为未来的忧虑,因为那还未成真实。 7.开始并不重要,但坚持却至关重要。结束也许会令人悲伤,但从不后悔则是真正的智慧。 8.抱着希望











9.where there is hope, hell is heaven; where there is vision, the impossible becomes possible.

10.God never complains about people's foolishness, but people often complain about God's unfairness.

11.A beautiful life should be filled with anticipation, surprises, and gratitude.

12.The most tiring thing in the world is to pretend to live a day without sincerity; even a grain of jealousy cannot be tolerated.

13.what you can do and what you cannot do are just one thought away.

14.Less expectation makes your care more natural and spontaneous.

15.As long as you don't lose direction, you won't lose yourself.

16.If you once praised dawn, then please embrace the night as well.

17.Wish not too carefully; but certainly make it sincere and touching.

18.The importance of life is not the position we stand at, but the direction we face.

19.When you can fly, don't give up flying; when you can dream, don't give up dreaming; when you can love, don't give up loving.

20.Humans cherish what they haven’t gotten but forget what they have.

21.Every day is more important than two tomorrows.

22.Be brave enough to see opportunity in calamity; pessimistic enough to see calamity in opportunity.

23.Remember that every day is one of the best days of your life;

24.Optimists find opportunities in disasters while pessimists find disasters in opportunities;

25.Courage isn’t absence of fear but facing fear and overcoming it;

26.The biggest mistake in life is constantly worrying about making mistakes;

27.Face sunshine with your face so that there will be no shadows for you;

28.Experience comes from extracting lessons from pain;

29.Use minimal regret for past times,

Minimal waste for present times,

And maximum dreams for future times;

30.If you want perfect friendships throughout your lifetime,

You might never find friends;

31.Don’t let sorrow consume all your time by digging into it,

Think about happy moments instead;

32.Correct others before reflecting on yourself

if someone has made a mistake,

33.Fear failure less than taking risks or giving up completely

because success may elude us forever otherwise;

34.To overcome anxiety and despair over daily life

learn to become master of self first,

35.You can control neither weather nor mood,

36.Isolation loneliness or feelings abandoned are poverty’s worst form,

37.Treat others kindly during happiness because they might need us during sadness,

38.Hope brings sweetness through waiting;

Longing brings warmth through memories;

Friends bring joy earned over years together,

Love: an eternal bond formed by shared experiences—may our lives be filled with happiness! May our hearts overflow with joy!

39.In this world there are two types: those who take from others & those who give their own share—those who eat better may also sleep better—but those who give shall sleep better still—because their heart will rest easier after each passing night…
