
  • 励志故事
  • 2025年02月23日
  • 潘石屹:挑战与成长的故事 文/杨洁凤 选择对了,方向对了,那就成了。上世纪八十年代,当国家的一次衣着改革引发强烈社会冲击时,潘石屹在廊坊石油部管道局的“铁饭碗”中感到时代在发展,他自己却逐渐被淘汰。他果断变卖家产,离开了稳定的工作环境。虽然深圳的梦想无法一踏便达,但他通过支付金钱和找到帮手跳过一道铁丝网,最终成功进入了这座繁忙且充满活力的城市。 然而,在深圳加班加点








当 潘石屹注意到海口常住人口15万、暂住人口50万之间存在的问题时,他意识到了潜在风险。六位合伙人决定寻找新的投资机会以分散风险,而潘石屹则返回西北老家,却发现那里缺乏任何价值。此后,他辗转来到北京,并注册了一家名为北京万通实业有限公司的小型企业,这将成为后来的万通新世界广场项目。

这个项目让所有合伙人都大赚了一笔,但潘 石 屿认为这种无限制地投入并不是一个好的策略。他决定单干,从而结束了与妻子的合作 wife, who was educated in the West and had a different approach to business. They often disagreed on enterprise management issues, with their relationship even reaching a point of potential divorce.

Despite his success, Pan Shiyi believed that developing modern cities required careful consideration of location and timing. He identified a plot of land in Beijing that had once been home to a liquor factory, which was initially deemed unsuitable due to its dirty and smelly conditions. However, Pan Shiyi saw potential in the area and convinced two assistants to inspect it. They reported back that the site was indeed unappealing but he remained confident that with time, transportation would improve and the nearby river would be cleaned up.

Pan Shiyi also recognized the potential of bank mortgages for consumers' purchasing power increased when they could borrow money from banks to buy properties. To facilitate this opportunity, he approached the head of China Construction Bank (CCB) with his own savings as collateral for customers' loans at CCB's expense.

As Modern City's innovative concepts gained recognition from more people, Pan Shiyi used SOHO as an entry point for innovation in materials and structures while emphasizing service quality. "A living organization or company is not just about product quality," he said; "it lacks service awareness and service quality."

With Modern City selling well before completion, Pan Shiyi believed more importantly were future services: "An institution or company should be alive," he said; "not just look at product quality but most lacking is service consciousness & service quality."
