

当一个女人问你“在干嘛?”的时候,你可以这样回答她:“我现在在想你。” 这样的回复,不仅能够让她感受到你的关心和爱意,而且也能让她知道,你的心中只有她一个人。 woman likes man's words, and sometimes when a woman asks about your situation, it's not because she really wants to know what you're doing. The most fundamental willingness is that she misses you, and at this moment, you don't need to say too much reasoning to her; just warm replies can let her feel your care for her.

Woman prefers direct and interesting men; if you don't have the courage to confess your feelings to a woman, then her feelings for you will only be temporary infatuation. When a woman starts contacting you actively, it means she has good feelings towards you; in this case, being bold is necessary to win over their hearts.

When busy with work and finishing up, find time for her - such an answer won't annoy women but rather make them think of you as a man who is dedicated to his career. This adds points in their eyes. Busy work isn't an obstacle in love relationships; when you finish work promptly and seek out the woman in your life again, it also brings comfort and security feelings because true love is mutual - only when both are concerned about each other can love last long.

In conversations with women, they mainly care about having someone put them on their mind's tip top spot when talking or chatting with them. If during conversation with a girl while asking "What are you doing?" using witty humor answers back would gain more favor from the opposite sex. A person who knows how to converse well presents charm within himself as well - amusing responses ensure smooth chats between couples fastly turning into tender ones.

Women' minds aren't difficult guesswork; wanting close relationships among two people requires learning humorous chat ways plus high emotional intelligence which could speedily heat up emotions between two people making guesses on women many times yet they will prolong conversations by topic extension if one wants topics initiated by themselves discussed further.

During interactions between males/females often females do not initiate but upon finding someone willing break through barriers leads toward better relations between couples thus good interpersonal relationship enables progress of relationships further ahead than before already established interaction stages reached so far respectively amongst partners involved within pairings taking part hereon forward moving onward together always never stopping any longer now till forever evermore all along eventually continually indefinitely onwards ad infinitum!
